What is oral surgery

Oral surgery is the surgical procedure performed by an oral maxillofacial surgeon or a dentist in your mouth, around your mouth, or on your jaw. Dental surgeons perform various types of dental surgeries and every oral surgery has its own benefits.

Tooth Extractions: It is one of the most commonly performed oral surgeries. In this surgery damaged or decayed tooth is removed from the mouth. General or local sedation or anesthesia is used to perform this procedure. If a tooth is damaged or decayed due to any reason then it becomes necessary to remove it due to aesthetic reasons as well as to avoid the risk of spreading of infection in the mouth. A Long Beach dentist can extract any number of teeth from your denture as required by you. You will have to fix an appointment with your dentist if there is some problem with your teeth. He will examine your teeth and then suggest extracting them immediately. Any delay in the extraction of a problematic tooth can complicate the process and affect your oral health by damaging your jawbone.

Dental Implants: It is an oral surgery that is required to provide a long-term solution for the loss of a tooth which cannot be solved otherwise. A titanium implant is surgically placed into the jawbone by a specialist dental surgeon to solve the problem permanently for a lifetime. Along with a lifetime solution, this surgery also helps in improving the aesthetic looks of the patient.

Surgery of Impacted Wisdom Teeth: At the time of emergence or retention, wisdom teeth can cause problems. Chronic infection from the tissues around these teeth and tooth decay due to the impact of food can be some of the problems experienced with wisdom teeth. In case of infection in tissues around wisdom teeth, infected teeth are removed by surgery to relieve the pain. These extractions are advised to patients with orthodontics to reduce the risk of tooth decay and tooth crowding. Pain in the mouth and headaches can be eliminated or reduced by removing infected teeth for the mouth. Normally, patients with impacted wisdom teeth are advised to contact an oral maxillofacial surgeon for their surgery.

Prosthodontics: This type of oral surgery includes various types of aesthetic dental procedures like removable dentures, fixed bridges, veneering, and crowning by reshaping the tooth as well as inserting dental implants. The main benefit of these surgical procedures is to make the mouth of the patient useable as well as improving his mouth’s aesthetics.

Jaw Surgery: This oral surgery is normally performed to properly align the misaligned jaw of the patient. This procedure is performed as a last resort to correct severe malocclusions and skeletal misalignments. During and after this procedure traditional braces will be required to wear. This type of surgery can considerably improve the ability to chew as well as overall looks.

Benefits of oral surgery

  • Avoid permanent damage and restore shortcomings

Problems in teeth like maxillary and mandibular problems in the jaw can go worse if not treated as soon as possible. These defects in the jawbone should be treated before they go worse by using the latest techniques of bone grafting.

  • Long-term replacement of a damaged tooth

A dental implant can help in replacing a single damaged tooth successfully. A missing tooth can also be replaced with traditional methods like removable dentures or fixed bridges to restore their crown instead of their roots lying underneath the jawline.

  • Help in restoring your self-esteem

You can regain the appearance you have lost after losing your teeth with the help of oral surgery if done right. It can improve your overall looks, self-confidence, beauty, and smile.

  • Address the problem specifically

Oral surgery does not focus on symptoms of the dental problem as it deals specifically with the root cause of the problem. A jaw alignment surgery is suggested by the orthodontist if your jaw is misaligned.

  • Restore your smile

It may not be easy to improve your smile if it has been affected due to loss of teeth or misalignment of jawline due to any reason. Oral surgery can make your smile functional and beautiful by treating the problem specifically.