How to treat snoring

Do you or your partner snore while sleeping and look for treatment? Then you are at the right place, in this article we have discussed what is snoring, snoring treatment, its various symptoms, and treatment.

What Is Snoring?

The harsh or hoarse sound that comes when in the throat air trickles before relaxed tissues causing the tissues to tremble as one breathes. Almost everyone snores, for some individuals it is normal and for some, it might be a health issue. Many times also reflect a severe health disorder. Besides, snoring can also be an irritant to your spouse.


Snoring is generally linked with a sleep syndrome known as “Obstructive Sleep Apnea “. But not every snorer has OSA, if along with snoring any among the below-given indications are accompanied, then it might be a reminder to meet a physician for further examination for OSA:

  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Noticed breathing breaks during sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excessive sleepiness in the daytime
  • Morning headaches
  • Restless sleep
  • Awaking up with a sore throat
  • Gasping or choking at night

When To Look For a Doctor

Look to the doctor for any of these indications you feel. This may reflect the snoring is related to OSA.

If your kid snores, inquire with your pediatrician regarding it. Kids too can have the disorder. Throat and nose issues – like obesity and enlarged tonsils can often narrow a kid’s airway, leading to your kid developing OSA.


Snoring can also be inflicted by numerous conditions, like mouth anatomy, allergies, alcohol consumption, cough, and cold, overweight, etc.

When dozing off and progressing from light to deep sleeping, the roof muscles of the mouth, throat, and tongue relax. The throat tissues can relax sufficiently that they partly obstruct the airway and quiver.

The narrower the airway, the stronger the flow of air gets. This causes increased vibration in tissues, which results in louder snoring.

The subsequent situations can influence the airway causing snoring:

  • The Mouth Anatomy

Having a thick, low sluggish palate can dwindle the airway. Overweight people may have more tissues in their throat’s back that may dwindle their airways. Similarly, if the triangle-shaped chunk of tissue draping from the delicate palate is expanded, airflow then is blocked resulting in increased vibration.

  • Alcohol Consumption

Snoring can moreover be caused by drinking too much liquor before sleeping. Alcohol provides relief to throat muscles decreasing the natural protection against airway restraint.

  • Nasal Problems

The crooked partition or continuous nasal congestion between the nostrils may bestow to the snoring.

  • Sleep Deprivation

Not receiving sufficient doze can direct to more throat relief.

  • Sleep Position

Snoring is generally louder and frequent when napping on the backbone because gravity’s impact on your throat dwindles the airway.

Snoring Treatment

Snoring can be treated well at your home but if you have a severe snoring problem then consult with a doctor.

For milder issues of OSA, your consultant may propose some changes in your lifestyle.

  • If you are fat or overweight then lose some weight.
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol, if possible then not at all, and don’t consume before going to sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Quit sleeping on the back
  • Use allergy medications or nasal decongestant.
  • Avoid consuming sedative pills like sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medications.

These methods don’t enhance your nap or if your disorder is normal to serious, then your physician may propose other therapies. Certain equipment can enable opening up an obstructed airway. In some issues, surgery can also be suggested and necessary.

Therapies like positive airway pressure, oral devices (mouthpieces), and surgeries such as removal of tissues surgically, stimulating upper airway, jaw surgery, surgical opening in the neck, etc. can also be recommended in severe cases of OSA.


Snoring is not only your problem but also the person sleeping next to you. It not only results in bad sleep but can also spoil your mental health because of the lack of oxygen supply to your brain during sleep. Snoring should not be taken lightly because it may also be associated with OSA. If symptoms of OSA are seen then visit your doctor and have tests. Curing OSA in its early stage can save you from painful surgeries and restlessness.